We Thank You for Believing in our Mission

By The American Red Cross


This holiday season, we at the American Red Cross would like to thank everyone who supported our lifesaving mission to help families in need.

Every eight minutes, someone affected by disaster is helped by donations to the Red Cross. With the generosity of donors and the selfless commitment of volunteers—who represent 90 percent of our disaster workforce—thousands of people across the country depended on us this year for shelter, food, relief items, comfort and recovery assistance.

This work is made possible year-round by the dedication of our donors, volunteers and partners.


We’re also grateful for the commitment of volunteers, donors and partners to help save lives and alleviate suffering in other ways. In addition to helping people affected by disasters in the U.S., on average each year, this dedication supports our mission to:

  • Collect nearly 4.9 million units of blood from more than 2.8 million volunteer donors.

  • Provide nearly 391,000 services to service members, veterans and their families through our Hero Care Network.

  • Train and provide information to nearly 5.9 million people in first aid, water safety and other skills that help save lives.

  • Help more than 181 million people internationally each year through disaster management and disease prevention activities.

We appreciate our generous donors and remarkable partners—to everyone who helps make all of this important work possible. A special thank you to our wonderful volunteers who drop everything and answer the call when disaster strikes, whether in their own community or somewhere across the country. Thank you also to the volunteer blood donors who roll up a sleeve to help save a life, and the trainers who teach people lifesaving skills. Your devotion to the Red Cross mission is inspiring, and we are grateful for everyone’s service and commitment to those we serve.


We wish you all a delightful, safe, and peaceful Holiday season.

A Mother and Son's Priceless Gift

By The American Red Cross


“I haven’t laid my eyes on my mother in so long…” reflects Thiery Amani after the call.

It has been 9 years since Thiery Amani has last spoken to his mother. In 2009, the violence and impunity that erupted in the Democratic Republic of Congo forced Amani to flee his home. A long trip, through Kenya and finally on to the United States was filled not only with his future shrouded in uncertainty, but the fate of his family, and notably his Mother was unknown.

However, half way across the world, Mukantagara Perasi was in Kenya, living in a refugee camp. When the Kenyan Red Cross visited her, she took a shot at reconnecting with her son in the United States. She gave the Society as much information as she could and waited. That request to trace her sons location raced halfway across the world to the New Hampshire and Vermont Region of the American Red Cross.

Caseworker Ina Warren and Service to the Armed Forces and International Services Program Director Adam Burritt received this request. It was bare, there wasn’t a lot to go on. “I didn’t have a lot of faith that we’d be able to find Mr. Amani” remarked Adam Burritt. However, his lead Caseworker Ina would not be deterred. She reached out to partners across New Hampshire inquiring if anyone knew or had helped a Thiery Amani. Finally, there was a needle amongst all the hay, the Office of Refugee and Immigrant Success in Manchester, NH had a lead! “He was so excited to have located her” Ina stated.

The rest of the story unfolded quickly, appointments were made for Amani to visit the Red Cross Regional Office, and preparations were made to reconnect with his mother. Suddenly it was apparent, the Red Cross can do more than send a message from one society to another across the globe. We can facilitate a phone call right here in the office between mother and son for the first time in about 9 years. With all technology in place and tested, Amani arrived without any prior knowledge that he would soon hear his mother’s voice. He settled into the office conference room and the number was dialed. Not knowing what to expect, all waited with baited breath as it rang. And in an instant there was a crackle, then a voice on the other end of the line. Amani began to speak to his mother for the first time in almost a decade. It was impossible to share everything that happened to him over the past 9 years, but all the key details were relayed. 

ThIery Amani continues to live in Concord, New Hampshire with his family and connects with his mother, Mukantagara Perasi every chance he gets.

Sisters Reunited After 74 Years of Separation

By The American Red Cross

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It was a typical quiet day in San Rafael, when Tamara Terichow received a phone call from the Red Cross that would change her life. They had found her long-lost sister, Lidia, who now lives in Finland with her family.

Tamara recalls the day the Germans came and invaded her childhood home in Leningrad back in 1941. Her father, Alexsander, was moved to a labor camp, forcing Tamara, Lidia, and their mother, Tatiana, to flee towards the town of Pskov. It wasn’t long before Tatiana fell very ill. “Starvation, sickness, I don’t know,” Tamara said. “All I know is she died. I was 5 years old and don’t remember. I do remember seeing her dead.”

Left alone, Tamara and Lidia, moved south to Lithuania, to an orphanage with no heat and no running water. “All we had to eat was dried peas,” Tamara said. “I remember looking for food in the dump.”

The sisters later moved farther south to a monastery, where they were reunited with their father, Alexsander, who had miraculously escaped the Germans. Shortly after, the sisters were separated when a married couple, Peter and Adele Filatov, adopted Tamara, leaving Lidia behind with their father in the old Soviet Union.

It has been 74 long years since Tamara and Lidia have last seen each other. With the help of Lidia’s granddaughter, Anna Haltsonen, and the work of Red Cross’ Restoring Family Links program, these sister were finally able to be reunited again.

For the full story, click here.

The One Gift Santa Can't Deliver

By ICRC and The American Red Cross

The only thing some children want this holiday season is to be reunited with their families.

For nearly 150 years The American Red Cross and Red Crescent teams have worked to bring families separated by conflict or natural disaster back together again.

As the world’s largest humanitarian network, we hope the public will share the video to raise awareness and support our work. Help us accomplish our mission to reconnect families and ensure that loved ones can be together during this special time, and all other days of the year, too.

We wish everyone a wonderful holiday season, from our family to yours.

Red Cross's Dedication to Serving Migrants Around the World

By The American Red Cross


Everyday, individuals around the world lose contact with their loved ones as a result of conflict, disaster, or migration. Along with reconnecting separated family members around the world, Red Cross and Red Crescent Teams have helped migrants in a number of ways from providing aid through medical care and disaster relief to delivering messages of hope.


As part of the global Red Cross Red Crescent network, the American Red Cross is guided by the seven fundamental principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality. This means we provide services to people who need them in times of emergency—regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or citizenship status.


People looking for loved ones separated by international conflict, disaster, or migration can call our helpline at 844-782-9441 or visit their local Red Cross chapter.